Tears to Smiles Photo Restoration
How it works
Adding Text
Background Changed
Color change
Color Corrected
Skin Blemishes Removed
Faded Corrected
Lighting Corrected
Major Damage Restored.
Digital Colorizing
How it works
How to get your photo to us.
Contact Me
Photo samples.
Our Policies
Our Location
About Us

The days of your stuck with it photography are over. From your cherished family photographs of great grandma and grandpa, to the snapshot you took at the park of your children playing tag. We all have amateur snapshots that we have taken that have poor lighting, bad shadows, annoying backgrounds, glare caused by the flash reflecting off of glass or or other shinny surfaces, red eye, or skin tones that just didn't come out right. Those days are over, you can have your snapshots changed to what you want, or a bad snapshot can be improved to almost looking like a professional photographer took them and that cherished photograph of grandma that the kids tore fighting over who can see it now, can be restored to it's original beauty. All of these photo problems and more can now be restored at affordable prices. Since photographs and their problems will always be different this Website will give you a good idea as to what your cost will be for finished work. Remember you are never obligated to pay until we agree on the finished price estimate.

The introduction of the computer and todays technology we can now restore photographs that would have been considered impossible 5 years ago. We offer the highest quality custom photo editing services in America and else where.

I will be happy to answer any questions you may have.


Have your images burned on CD
To have your photo image burned to a CD in 400 dpi (best for printing) or 72 dpi to be sent over the internet and email.

Cost covers up to 15 different as is scanned images.


There is no cost to you until we agree on the price for restoration. All estimates of cost are free.


You can e-mail us at:
Tears to Smiles Photo Restoration

Tears to Smiles Photorestoration
2444 So. Olympia Ave.
Tulsa Oklahoma 74107-2849
(This address is for recieving mail
Only. No dropins allowed)
To call for an appointment or discuss what
you want done to your photograph.
Call us at (918) 584-3154